We would like to collect your personal data to keep you updated about the event and to keep us informed about any health issues that may be relevant.
We are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any information that you give us. We collect, store and use the personal data that you provide us. We do this so that we can effectively manage our event and ensure that as a participant you are kept informed and safe. We may use your data to contact you with event updates and wider events we think you may be interested in. We will use your data to keep us informed about any health or wider needs you have that we need to consider during your attendance at the event. If you have provided us with emergency contact details we will use this data when required..
We will not share your personal data. All data you provide to us is stored on a password protected device and/or locked away.
The only exception to this rule is when we carry paper copies of your personal data at the event or immediately after you have completed a paper form. We must do this so that we have your health needs and emergency contact details to hand should they be required.
Unless you have given us separate written consent, we will store any personal data up to a maximum of 6-year period.
You may request details of personal data which we hold about you or withdraw your consent at any time. You can email us at